Acrylic as an alternative material for prototypes

Our Bark Blend Cuff fashioned out of acrylic sheets in its un-glued form

Before we decide to put a design into production with any of our types of glass, we must make a prototype first to see if the design will work. Acrylic sheets are one of our favorite materials to work with for this step of the designing process.

Acrylic sheets are perfect for the early stages of designing new glass wearables. They have a similar thickness, are fairly transparent, and are much more wallet friendly. We can also use our in-house laser cutter which is super convenient and can even replicate the entire assembly process with the acrylic.

Once it passes the acrylic test, we move onto glass prototypes to see if it’s even possible due to the fragility of the material. Check out our current lineup of tried and true wearables and stay tuned for some new styles coming soon…

Gillian Preston