Let us bring new life to your well-loved glass heirlooms

Glass breaks (we know this … we’ve done it — a lot) and styles change. But sometimes glass breaks when we really don’t want it to and even though we can’t find the perfect place for that vintage platter it still holds so many wonderful memories…

How can we honor the glass of your past?

We want to work with you to create glass wearables out of your beloved pieces of salvaged and storied glass goods. To help bring new ways of staying close to those mementos that otherwise might be resigned to cabinets or boxes by being able to wear them throughout your days.

Tell us more about your glass — fill out our
Glass Memorables Questionnaire


Things to know:

  • Certain embellishments, like paint, are not compatible with our finishing processes. Because of this we won’t be able to work with all types of glass. Our questionnaire helps us determine this but if you’re not sure how to answer some of our questions here are a few ways you can check your glass:

    • carefully scrape a small piece of the imagery on your glass with a blade; if it comes off easily it is likely paint.

    • carefully rub a small spot of the imagery with acetone; if it comes off easily it is likely paint.

  • We will need to run tests to figure out how your glass behaves in the kiln — because of this you will need to have a certain amount of glass available, and be prepared for the potential loss of the test pieces. The minimum amt of glass we can work with is a cumulative 6 square inches and the size of the broken pieces will play a role in determining what can be made from the glass.

  • Once received, the process will take 6-8 weeks to complete.

What’s Next:

  • Once we’ve received your questionnaire and determined if your glass is a good candidate we’ll reach out to confirm details and next steps.

  • After receiving your glass we will run tests on the pieces to confirm how it will interact with our processes and determine how much glass surface we will have to work with. We will then provide you with a catalog of glass wearable designs that will be the most compatible with your glass.

  • Your well-loved glass goods will be transformed into the gorgeous glass wearables of your choice and returned to you — to continue on anew … to be cherished in a whole new way — hopefully for many more years to come.