Play time - experimenting with our new hot press mold

Our giant Hot Pressed Ellipse, fresh out of the mold

At Broken Plates, we strive to offer a fresh selection of art deco inspired glass wearables at all times. This means we get to experiment with new designs and play with new toys every now and then! Featured here is our new 3-D printed steel mold for a larger version of our Miniature Hot Pressed Ellipse necklace.

These hot pressed wearables are created by casting molten glass into a steel mold and then pressing down with a matching piece of steel. Testing the mold is a very important part of the process to determine if the new style is ready to add to our current line of contemporary glass jewelry.

Molten glass being cast into the steel mold at about 2000° F

Their solid cast glass forms allow for light to pass through the piece in an entirely different way than is seen within our kinetic line.

Another truly remarkable feature of these hot cast pendants is the imprint or fingerprint of the 3-D printed steel mold we use to press these beauties. ⁠⁠

The way the printer lays and cools the steel in the printing process creates a pattern and texture within the surface of each piece of glass. This creates additional surfaces for the light to bounce off of as well as a really soothing tactile quality for the wearer.⁠

Are YOU as excited about the giant Hot Pressed Ellipse necklace as we are? This style isn’t quite ready yet, but until then you can browse our current offerings hot pressed wearables in a variety of colors.

Gillian Preston